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Aviation Organizations

      The two aviation associations that come to mind when I think about my career, no matter what path I end up going down in the industry would be AOPA and EAA. Currently, I am already a member of AOPA which provides great advice from other pilots and individuals ranging from GA, regionals, airlines, corporate, and the cargo side. They also have great legal advice information if something may arise, and overall it is the top aviation association with over 500,000 active members. Secondly, EAA is a great association and offers great tips and stories among the aviation community. I enjoy getting the monthly magazines and staying up to date on current topics. They also provide information about fly ins and are really supportive of the youth in aviation, which I always will back up.

    AOPA represents the largest aviation community, spanning across 75 countries and representing hundreds and thousands of individuals. Members range from people aspiring to fly and people who have been doing it for decades. It really is meant for just the love of aviation, something others really don't understand. They offer great legal advice, air safety, insurance, scholarships, and up to date news. Overall, AOPA supports everyone that is involved in the community. EAA is also somewhat similar to AOPA. They really push the whole spirit of aviation thing, and allow members to grow as individuals. They have the annual fly in during Oshkosh, Wisconsin that allows thousands of people to come together and share their passion for aviation, supporting everyone from GA to the airlines.

    As mentioned above, I believe it is important to be a part of these associations due to the numerous members involved. Aviation is all about networking, and who knows where either one of these organizations may lead you. Where I work, I know many of our pilots belong to both, and I have even experienced Oshkosh with one in his 1995 Beechcraft King Air. I met many great individuals and even some pretty high up personal in the aviation industry. During the two days, I got to hear amazing stories from experienced pilots that I will never forget. 

    Also mentioned above, aviation is truly all about who you know. With these two associations, there will never be a time where you cant go to someone for advice or help. Not to mention there are plenty of job postings for potential career and internship opportunites. With the EAA, Ive heard stories of people getting interviewed for regional pilot positions right on the spot on a picnic table. You can never know what may happen if you are involved in one of these organizations.



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